Derry city vs drogheda This football match event is scheduled to take effect on 17th june 2022 at 21:45 GMT+3.

 Derry city vs drogheda match prediction and head to head analysis



Derry city vs drogheda 

Derry city wins 

This football match event is scheduled to take effect on 17th june 2022 at 21:45 GMT+3.

Derry city vs Drogheda will be part of Ireland Premier League

Here Derry city will be going head to head with Drogheda Utd.

Derry City is at position 3 of the table with 33 points, having played 19 matches, with 9 draws and 4 lost matches.

Drogheda on the other hand stands at position 8 with 20 points. This comes after playing 18 matches, with 5 draws and eight lost matches.

Let's look at past three head to head matches where Derry City played at home.

On 14th March 2022 derry city went head to head with Drogheda. Derry city was at home and managed to win this match. Derry city vs Drogheda 2-0.

The two goals for Derry city were scored by.

1. first goal was scored by McGonigle at 4th minute

2. Second goal was scored by Mc Gonigle still at 63rd minute.

There were no red/yellow cards for both teams.

On 6th August 2021. Derry city vs Drogheda 3-0.

On this date Derry city went head to head with Drogheda and still managed to beat drogheda three Nil.

The three goals for derry city were scored by.

1. First goal was by MCGonigle at 38th minute.

2. Second goal was by Lafferty at 66th Minute.

3. Third goal was  by Lafferty at 75th Minute.

There were no red/yellow cards during this match play off.

On 16th April 2021 

Derry city vs Drogheda 1-1 

Derry city went head to head with drogheda where each team managed to score one goal each.

Derry city's goal was scored by MCJannet at 4oth minute.

Droghedas goal was scored by Brown at 24th Minute.

There were no red/yellow cards during this match play off.