Bohemians vs shelbourne This match is to take place at 17th June 2022 at 21:45 GMT+3. Where Bohemians vs Shelbourne will be going head to head.

 Bohemians vs shelbourne Match prediction and head to head match analysis.



Bohemians vs shelbourne

Bohemians wins

This match is to take place at 17th June 2022 at 21:45 GMT+3. Where Bohemians vs Shelbourne will be going head to head.

Shelbourne stands at position 6. With 24 points, Shelbourne has played 18 matches, 7 wins, 3 draws and 8 lost matches.

Bohemians Stands at 7th position, with 23 points. This is after playing 18 matches winning 5 of them, 8 draws and 5 lost matches.

Let's have a look at the last three played head to head matches between Bohemians and Shelbourne.

On 14th March 2022

Bohemians vs Shelbourne 1-1. This match ended in a draw of one goal to one.

Bohemians managed to score one goal at 87th minute, this one goal was scored by Horton. However, Bohemians got a red card at 76th minute from Feely.

Shelbourne managed to score one goal at 74th minute by Boyd.

Then, on 6th match 2020.

 Bohemians vs Shelbourne 2-0.

 Bohemians managed to score two goals.

These, two goals were scored by Wright and Mandroiu.

Wright Scored the first one at 53rd minute while Mandroiu scored second goal at 62nd minute.

9th August 2020

Bohemians vs Shelbourne 3-2.

Bohemians won this one by scoring three goals. First goal was scored by Buckley at 85th minute. Second goal by Mandroiu at 88th minute. Third goal by Madnroiu at 90+1 minute.

Shelbourne managed to score two goals while away. First goal by Kilduff at 62nd minute. Second goal by Farell at 81st minute. Kabia got a red card for shelbourne at 83rd minute